Friday, December 3, 2010

Elf on the Shelf

Yesterday, Shawners told me about a girl in his class who has an elf on the shelf who you are not supposed to touch and he disappears to 'tell Santa' if you've been good or bad and then reappears elsewhere. He said he didn't know if it was real or not, but then they went out to recess and the elf disappeared and reappeared later somewhere else! So then he thought it was real, and wanted to go to B&N to buy his own.

We did. And we came home and Shawners opened him in his box and left him on his stuffed animals, and didn't touch him just like the book that came with him said. Somehow the elf disappeared from his box and reappeared on a lamp in our living room. Shawners woke up this morning saying, "Mom, it's real!! He really disappeared!!"

Yesterday he was also telling me a lot of the kids in his class don't believe Santa is real. I told him the real story about Santa last year when he asked, but also told him it's a fun story to believe in and he has to at least pretend to believe to get Santa presents. When he mentioned some of the kids in his class don't believe, Justinbustin asked him, "Do you think Santa is real?" and Shawners replies, "I don't knooow." I think this elf guy is because he really wants to believe in something still, and I love it.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Oh he hasn't stopped

I've just stopped posting them here. There are piles on facebook, in Brando's texts, and in my head.

The latest one that comes to my hand is him running inside from playing outside and saying, "Mom, you're so cute. I love you!" as he's running into his room for something and running back outside.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

On His Doggy

Shawners: Brownie learn to eat paper so you will be the exact same thing as me, you have brown eyes, except you can’t eat gum.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

On Being Beautiful

Can I just freeze in this moment of Shawn telling me as I walk down the stairs makeup less. "Mom, you look beautiful!" What makes me smile even more is who he learned to do that from.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

On Tooting

Shawners: I set a death trap in my room.

Me: For who?

Shawners: I tooted badly [with a huge smile while waving his hand in front of his face and wrinkling up his nose].

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Talking to Justinb in the back of the car.

Shawners: Put it in the middle, Mr. Crab.

Justinb: Stop calling me names.

Shawners: I didn't call you Mr. Crab.
No wait.
I did call you Mr. Crab.


Shawners: Mommy, my tummy felt like a rotten egg today.

Me: Did it really?

Shawners: No.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Mommy, you smell beautiful, you look beautiful, and you are beautiful. [then gives me a hug]

In his room, to Daddy, and motioning with his arms, "Daddy, since you have so big arms [motions with his arms] will you pick up all that up and put it in there?" Speaking of his stuffed animals and putting them in his closet.