Friday, December 3, 2010

Elf on the Shelf

Yesterday, Shawners told me about a girl in his class who has an elf on the shelf who you are not supposed to touch and he disappears to 'tell Santa' if you've been good or bad and then reappears elsewhere. He said he didn't know if it was real or not, but then they went out to recess and the elf disappeared and reappeared later somewhere else! So then he thought it was real, and wanted to go to B&N to buy his own.

We did. And we came home and Shawners opened him in his box and left him on his stuffed animals, and didn't touch him just like the book that came with him said. Somehow the elf disappeared from his box and reappeared on a lamp in our living room. Shawners woke up this morning saying, "Mom, it's real!! He really disappeared!!"

Yesterday he was also telling me a lot of the kids in his class don't believe Santa is real. I told him the real story about Santa last year when he asked, but also told him it's a fun story to believe in and he has to at least pretend to believe to get Santa presents. When he mentioned some of the kids in his class don't believe, Justinbustin asked him, "Do you think Santa is real?" and Shawners replies, "I don't knooow." I think this elf guy is because he really wants to believe in something still, and I love it.