Tuesday, December 22, 2009

On Fortune Telling

Shawners, holding up his own handmade fortune teller paper creation, "Mom, what color do you want? Pick red. Red's a goodie."

I pick red.

"R-E-D. What number do you want? Seven's a goodie."

I pick seven.

"1-2-3-4-5-6-7. What number do you want? Nine's a goodie."

I pick nine.

"You are an angel from above."

My heart melts.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

On Mommy and Daddy

While going to bed, "Daddy smells good and smells comfy. His shirts smell awesomely good."

At the dinner table, after coming in from after looking at a rainbow, "Mom, you smell like Oma. And Oma smells sooooo good."

While going over school stuff with Mommy and Daddy, "Mom, you are a blooming angel."

Randomly throughout the day, "Mom, you are so beautiful."

While sitting on the toilet at Starbucks, "Mom you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Except for God's girl. Cause I don't know if God's girl is prettier."

Thursday, September 17, 2009

All In One Night

Pretty sure I had a cuteness attack on the way home from Cub Scouts tonight hearing all this:

Before heading home:

S: Mommy, I want to ride with you.

M: Why?

S: Because you're beautiful.

On the way home:

S: All I want for Christmas is all my teeth [since he's missing about five right now].

S: Mom, can we go on that Christmas train again? [talking about the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk Christmas train we went on when he was three years old that was all lit up with Christmas lights, and Santa and Mrs. Clause boarded the train at a stop]

M: Yes, maybe. That was in California.

S: What was that thing Santa handed out?

M: Candy canes.

S: Oh, yes, those. That's what I like about Christmas. Christmas is so decorative!

S: Can you write Santa a letter anytime? Not a here's what I want letter, but like a compliment note? [Then, without pause, and referencing a website we use to write Santa letters and get an immediate response:] Mom, I know Santa's not real because he can't get a letter in the Antarctica that quick.

M: He does visit all the houses in one night, so maybe he can get a letter and send it back that quick.

S: There's only 12 hours in one night. How can he visit all the houses?

M: Maybe that's the magic of it. Are you looking forward to Christmas since it's coming up?

S: Yes. And my birthday. Did you know Santa can see me right now?

M: Yes. He's checking to see if you're being naughty or nice.

S: I've been a little naughty.

M: Yes, you have.

S: I'm going to be in between naughty and nice.

Later on:

S: Since I was grown up I wanted to make a machine that could make me fly, and clean my room, and climb walls like Spiderman. Since I was like five, I wanted to do that.

Still later in the car...

S: When my tooth falls out I will have an upside down C in my mouth.

S: Anybody who wants my tooth to fall out say, "Aye."

And when we got home:

S: Daddy wanted to yank my tooth out and I said, "No can do. Doodly do."

S: Mommy, can you write the tooth fairy a note that I yanked my tooth out?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

On batman

Shawners: I like Mr. Freeze's tower.
Dad: You mean the frost tower?
Shawners: Hmm, yeah, frost tower, but I like to call it Mr. Freeze.

On marriage

I might want to be a husband, but I might not. It depends on the girl. Whether she's nice or not.

On doing his chores faster

Even faster, even faster, even faster than a bumblebee flies,
Even faster, even faster, even faster than a cheetah that runs,
Even faster, even faster, even faster than it,
Even faster, even faster, even faster than whatever it does!

On mommy being beautiful

Mommy, you are the most beautiful girl in the entire world! You are more beautiful than a butterfly's wing!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

On Cars

"I love my car seat. I'll ride in my car seat when I'm 18."

By the way, it's more of a booster with a back than a car seat. We just still call it that because it's easy.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Spikey Spikes

"Daddy, you have spikey spikes." Shawners says while rubbing Brando's chin.

"Spikey spikes are a beard. Only small." explaining what spikey spikes are to Justinb.

"Daddy, I'm not kidding. You have a tiny beard."

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Being Boyish

shawn: hey mom?

me: yes

shawn: can i tell you something very boyish?

Mom: yes

Shawn: I tooted and i felt the air.

Mom: okay.

Shawn: hey mom?

Mom: yes.

Shawn: can i tell you something?

Mom: yes.

Mom: girls don't like boys when they're boyish. but i still love you.

Shawn: are you writing that down?

Mommy: yes.

Shawn: why?

Daddy: 'Cause you're shawn.

Shawn: that probably is one reason.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Shawn on discovering he has strawberries growing

Shawn: We're going to have better strawberries than the farmers.

Mom: Why?

Shawn: Because the farmers have a bunch of them and you can't find any.

Friday, May 29, 2009

On Looking at Kabobs

When I asked Brandon to come look and see if the kabobs that were broiling were done, Shawn says, "Oh, let me look! I'm a good looker." Then, after he sees them, "Ooooh, that looks more than good."

That was all just today.

The rest of the gathered ones I back-dated to the appropriate date and time. Whew. The cuteness slays me.

Doing his chores

While doing his chores: "Justin, we have to dance while doing our chores." as he starts dancing to the music of a movie playing on the computer.

After Grocery Shopping

Earlier today after grocery shopping the kids wanted to play on the Webkinz grab machine at the grocery store. I asked Shawners if he would be sad if the Webkinz machine didn't give him a Webkinz and kept his money, he says, "No. Because we're men! And we have hairy armpits." while lifting up his arm to show me.

In the shower

Mommy, Mommy, come!

While sticking out his belly, I have a baby in my tummy!

Making dinner

When I asked Brandon to come look and see if the kabobs that were broiling were done, Shawn says, "Oh, let me look! I'm a good looker." Then, after he sees them, "Ooooh, that looks more than good."

Shower Time

While in the shower:

Mommy, Mommy, hurry! Come quick!

A bug! I'm in the shower! It's crawling like a creepy bug.

Blog Purpose

Shawners says SO many cute things these days. I write them all over: twitter, my blog, emails to family, texts to Brando, facebook statuses. I thought it would be good to have one place to put them all, even if I do put them elsewhere first. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Stuffed Animals

Shawn just named his Shining Star Monkey Cuteypie and is making the monkey's personality lovable, trickster, smart, cuddly, funny. I may melt from cuteness overload.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Commercial Advertisements

(upon seeing the geico mail in the trash)

Shawn: Mom, did Geico give you money?

Mom: No.

Shawn: Geico. Way to live better and get better children.

Thursday, April 30, 2009


When Shawners discovered over 20 caterpillars on his parsley plant that he planted just to get caterpillars the year before he says he is, "the luckiest boy in the whole city, except if someone else has a bigger parsley plant." He also said he's, "King of the Sea." Not sure what that had to do with!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Shawn: You know that bee or wasp i saw outside?

Mom: Yes.

Shawn: It wasn't a bee or a wasp. it was a half bee half wasp. do they have those things?

Mom: Yes, i think they are called hornets or yellow jackets.

Shawn: It didn't have a yellow jacket. do they like you if you leave them alone?

Mom: I don't think so. They are pretty aggressive even if you leave them alone. So it's probably best to stay inside while he's out there.

(Shawn goes to window, rolls up blinds to look out)

Shawn: Where is that bee slash wasp?

Friday, April 17, 2009

Upon himself

Shawners, after seeing pictures of himself as a baby at the forbidden palace in Katy, Texas, and hearing we could go there again:

"Awesome! And i can really see it and i can remember it and know i was there!"

Tummy Aches

My tummy hurts. But not like achey, achey, achey. Just half an ache.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Cute All Over

I had several conversations with Shawners today that made me want to just eat him. The first one was regarding a stuffed snake he bought yesterday at his kindergarten field trip at Crowe's Nest Farm. On the way home from school he tells me the name of his snake is, "Snakey Shawners (our last name)". Then he says, "You know why? Because he is in our family." He proceeds to tell me all of his animals are named "Animal Name"y Shawners (our last name) because they are "all in our family".

Later he asks me, "What is your middle name?" I explained that I use my middle name for my first name, then told him my full name - first, middle, and last. He corrects me by saying, "Really, it's Mommy (middle name) (last name)."

Cheetah Man

I couldn't stop laughing at Shawn's black spots he drew with permanent marker all over his hands to try and make himself into a cheetah.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Pillow Time

Shawn (after I laid my freshly shampooed hair on his pillow): "My pillow smells like cotton. Cotton you can eat yumm yumm. It also smells like you. And you smell good."

Thursday, March 5, 2009

While putting on his socks

Randomly, while putting on his socks, Shawn says:

Um, mommy, I love you.

Um, yes, you love me too.

Um, no, I will never ever not love you.