Thursday, September 17, 2009

All In One Night

Pretty sure I had a cuteness attack on the way home from Cub Scouts tonight hearing all this:

Before heading home:

S: Mommy, I want to ride with you.

M: Why?

S: Because you're beautiful.

On the way home:

S: All I want for Christmas is all my teeth [since he's missing about five right now].

S: Mom, can we go on that Christmas train again? [talking about the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk Christmas train we went on when he was three years old that was all lit up with Christmas lights, and Santa and Mrs. Clause boarded the train at a stop]

M: Yes, maybe. That was in California.

S: What was that thing Santa handed out?

M: Candy canes.

S: Oh, yes, those. That's what I like about Christmas. Christmas is so decorative!

S: Can you write Santa a letter anytime? Not a here's what I want letter, but like a compliment note? [Then, without pause, and referencing a website we use to write Santa letters and get an immediate response:] Mom, I know Santa's not real because he can't get a letter in the Antarctica that quick.

M: He does visit all the houses in one night, so maybe he can get a letter and send it back that quick.

S: There's only 12 hours in one night. How can he visit all the houses?

M: Maybe that's the magic of it. Are you looking forward to Christmas since it's coming up?

S: Yes. And my birthday. Did you know Santa can see me right now?

M: Yes. He's checking to see if you're being naughty or nice.

S: I've been a little naughty.

M: Yes, you have.

S: I'm going to be in between naughty and nice.

Later on:

S: Since I was grown up I wanted to make a machine that could make me fly, and clean my room, and climb walls like Spiderman. Since I was like five, I wanted to do that.

Still later in the car...

S: When my tooth falls out I will have an upside down C in my mouth.

S: Anybody who wants my tooth to fall out say, "Aye."

And when we got home:

S: Daddy wanted to yank my tooth out and I said, "No can do. Doodly do."

S: Mommy, can you write the tooth fairy a note that I yanked my tooth out?

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